Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The best roommate ever!

So while I'm home in seattle for the summer i am currently residing in two locations. My parents house is currently holding most of my belongings that i crammed into my little car, (and dad said it wouldn't all fit) and i stop off there whenever i have some days off of work. The other location is Grandma's house. I'll be honest i was unsure of how this arrangement would work out but let me say it is going wonderfully. Here is a secret, Grandma's are fabulous roommates. She doesn't care when i come or go, she is quiet during the day while i sleep, she gave me an entire room all to myself, and she makes me dinner whenever i'm there. How nice is this I ask?! Now I'm a grown up (don't laugh Mom) and I am perfectly capable of making my own food, thanks to two years of cooking class from Sister Bowers, but having someone else worry about this every day for me is a dream. It saves time, it tastes good, and i'm feeling like probably the luckiest girl in the world. So sorry Kristina, you were the best roommate up until I got to live with Grandma!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Ha ha ha, how cute! I'm glad it's working out with your roommate these days . . . I hope the job is going well too! I'm positive it is different to work with co-workers anywhere else than Utah . . .but you still get a few 'choice' ones here too, so I guess it doesn't matter where you are! Keep Posting! And Let us know when you're back in town! AI shite iru yo