Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dog Whisperer

So today i discovered a new talent of mine. apparently i'm the Pied Piper of Lonely Dogs. I was out on a run/walk this morning in my parents neighborhood and this lonely dog jumped out of it's window and started following me. Well i'll be honest, i don't particularly love foreign dogs coming up to me, so i did my well practiced "act like you're the alpha dog" thing and she backed away. But as soon as i started walking again she followed me and we were buds from then on. i tried, and failed to get her to stay at her own house. As soon as i walked away, she followed me right to my front doorstep. i hope the cats don't mind too much. I think she got the message and went home but it was a fun adventure for the morning.

Maybe one day i'll acutally be able to train a dog of my own.


Anonymous said...

I'm angry (and dramatic). Why did I not know you had a blog until you commented on mine and I had to go look at C1's profile to figure out who the heck C1 was??? Did you send out a mass email announcing that you had started a blog and kindly forgot to send it to moi? I don't believe this.

Megan said...

I love this post! it is so cute, and I am a dog lover so I super wish you had it on tape :) Gates, thanks for your 'hug' and message the other day, Sorry I haven't called you back yet. I am doing good though, it's all going smooth I just need to get over the nausea. . . which super sucks. Thanks again, ai shite imasu