Monday, August 24, 2009

New Experiences...

As some or all of you know I am somewhat of a seasoned nurse. I've been in the healthcare field for 9 years and have worked in some not so glamorous areas of the hospital but today was a completely new low for me. When we were preparing to move our patient from the table to her bed she started feeling very sick to her stomach. So as she was begining to make it known that she would be blowing chunks very soon, we were scrambling to get some meds to help relieve her discomfort, and I was valianly holding pressure to keep the puncture wounds we had inflicted earlier from breaking open, she decided to blow! And I was in the direct line of fire. Up the projectile went and then down it came on my arm, and shirt and HAIR!!!
That's right my hair folks, DISGUSTING!!!!!!! I can't believe this happened to me....but it did. And to make matters worse, my co worker, Seth was laughing so hard i thought he was going to pee his pants. So I got cleaned up and changed my scrub top and continued working until i got home and promptly took a shower!

Moral of the story is kids.......nurses sacrifice for their patients way more than anyone else is willing to do.

1 comment:

Megs said...

Wow. That's disgusting. It's a sign that nursing is your true calling that you didn't barf yourself!