Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So sorry that i haven't been keeping this up, but i've been busy! Kristina and i moved into our new apartment with Kenz and we sadly said goodbye to our apartment of 3 years and got a little teary locking the door for the last time. We both felt like we had a lot of great experiences there and learned and grew alot. Along with getting settled, I have been working a ton of hours lately. The heart electricty business is booming in Salt Lake City!

In other really great news my dear little brother has left on his mission! Last week my parents brought him down and we got to go to the Salt Lake Temple together and then the next day take him to the MTC. They have changed things a little there and you just drop them off at the curb and have 1 minute and i'm not joking, to say good bye. Nothing like pulling the bandaide off quick. I miss him and was a little sad to see him leave but I'm so excited for the experiences and growth he will experience. I love reading his letters already!

So work is busy but exciting. I am working on a research paper that I'm submitting to 2 different conferences and which will also be published hopefully. One of the conferences will be in france and i'm hoping my paper gets accepted so i can go and present it at the conference.

In personal news, i meet another young man whom i really like....some friends set us up and we live far apart but we are seeing where things go. I'm actually off to see him in the morning! Florida here I come!!!!


Megan said...

1. you failed to mention Charlie is going to IOWA, the coolest mission ever.

2. You better take me to France with you when you go present the paper. If that's possible... I'm serious. Hmm... I just remembered about my "prune", blast.

3. some AWESOME friends set you up with your lover :) Have a BLAST in FLORIDA, so jealous you're going to be so close to the beach.

Ai shite imasu yo!

Mormon Bachelor Pad said...

Three girls living in one house? Better steer clear of our house...

That could be trouble.